How to embed the SafeLease Tenant Brochure into your website
An inline frame (iframe) is a HTML element that loads another HTML page within the page. The iframe element is specified with the iframe tag (<iframe>) and may be placed anywhere on a web page. In this case, an iframe allows you to place the SafeLease Tenant Brochure web page within a page on your website.
Copy the desired iframe code from the options below.
OPTION 1: iFrame Code for Facilities with Unit Storage
Image has been cropped. Click here to see full unit brochure page.
<iframe src="" scrolling="no" style="border: 0; width: 100%;" id="safelease-partner-brochure" onLoad="iframeLoaded()"></iframe>
<script type="text/javascript">
function iframeLoaded() {
var iframe = document.getElementById('safelease-partner-brochure');
iframe.contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify({method: 'partner-brochure-iframe-height'}), '');
window.addEventListener('message', event => {
const data = JSON.parse(;
if (event.origin === '' && data?.method === 'partner-brochure-iframe-height') {
var iframe = document.getElementById('safelease-partner-brochure');
iframe.height = data.height + "px";
OPTION 2: iFrame Code for Facilities with Vehicle Storage
Facilities with both unit and vehicle storage may choose to add both brochures to their website.
Image has been cropped. Click here to see full vehicle brochure page.
<iframe src="" scrolling="no" style="border: 0; width: 100%;" id="safelease-partner-brochure" onLoad="iframeLoaded()"></iframe>
<script type="text/javascript">
function iframeLoaded() {
var iframe = document.getElementById('safelease-partner-brochure');
iframe.contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify({method: 'partner-brochure-iframe-height'}), '');
window.addEventListener('message', event => {
const data = JSON.parse(;
if (event.origin === '' && data?.method === 'partner-brochure-iframe-height') {
var iframe = document.getElementById('safelease-partner-brochure');
iframe.height = data.height + "px";
In your content management system (CMS), i.e., Wordpress, Webflow, Wix, navigate to the page in which you would like to embed the iframe.
Click Edit, then toggle to the HTML Editor.
Paste your code where you would like it to appear on the page.
Click Save/Publish to view the results.
Refrain from using the word "insurance" in your Navigation Bar, Footer, URL, Title Tag, and Meta Description. Instead, use the term "tenant protection."
Sample URL:
Sample Title Tag: Tenant Protection